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Literacy and STEM in Action

14 Aug 2023 - 1 Sep 2024


Full course description

(Self Paced Course, Grades K-9)

From using a storybook as a jumping-off point for a provocation to integrating a formal essay after analyzing data sets, literacy plays an essential part in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and Science communications. Teachers who have infused their STEM curriculum with language arts, and vice versa, discover ways to create relevance showcasing the connections of STEM in everyday life. Educators who adopt a cross-curricular way of learning also find it easy to create opportunities for their students to engage in collaboration and critical thinking. This course will highlight some ways that you can look at using literacy and STEM in your classroom.

Learning Pathways | Parcours d'apprentissageFor more information, consult the course syllabus

Completion of this course counts towards the requirements for the Learning Pathway: STEM Cross-Curricular Learning.

Sign up for this course today.
